Good Goodbye 《好好说再见》

Good Goodbye《好好说再见》graces the cinemas on 28 March 2024. We are delighted for the invitation to be a part of the poignant exploration of palliative care, a magical and meaningful tale of pure love, perseverance and progression.

《好好说再见》这部电影透过三个跨越时间与生死界限的故事, 体现出爱的真谛、对梦想的渴望, 以及放下并继续前行的勇气与美好。

“Good Goodbye” tells 3 stories that transcends the limitations of time & death, emphasising the significance of love, the pursuit of dreams, the courage & beauty of letting go and moving on. Starring Julie Tan 陈欣淇, Tosh Rock 张智扬, Andie Chen 陈邦鋆, Aster Yeow 姚羽, Shane Pow 包勋评, Yang Shi Bin 杨世彬 and Teo Ser Lee 张思丽.